City Ville Bot Cheat Tips and Tricks (new)
Cityville 1.3 bot and cheat FREE - How to use bots Cityville. This way you can win easily, get millions of coins, it automatically seed and harvest crops, raise the rent bill, collect and provide supply at your business buildings, and many more. That excess can you get for FREE by using cityville bot.

Million Coins - Do not be surprised if you see your neighbor, a lower level but could have a tower at 1000.000 coin. It's impossible, because cityville moves based on the number of xp, and is close to using energy. Bot or cheat cityvillebot program, could not pump up your energy. So naturally if your neighbors have plenty of coins, but a low level.

Auto seed and harvest crops - Automation is the facility which is carried by cityvillebot. You do not need to wait for your seeds ready to harvest, so be it, then all will be harvested automatically by the free software. Tip: To harvest could go faster, you should not plant rice, corn, other crops even during very long harvest. Should provide a very broad field for planting strawberries.

Auto Collect rent and business buildings - which does not coincide in time, you should be diligent in collecting the money from the rental of buildings, houses and apartments. It's exhausting! On the right screen cityville your existing bot-related information gathering effort of this lease. So leave it alone. Continue your work, and let cityville bot to do it all for you.

The Weaknesses cityvillebot 1.2 - Free software has several drawbacks: Requires large bandwidth, can not increase xp quickly, quickly drains your energy, your gift-automatically - scattered, and vulnerable to hacking. By placing cityvillebot as administrator of your computer, means giving freedom to the script of this program to browse your computer. This is evident, as when installing the program (blocking), deep freeze, this cityvillebot could not walk properly.
Download:CityVille bot version 1.2
CityVille bot version 1.1 No cheat. Fair play. Choose...

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