CityVille bot cheat tips and tricks (ver1.52)
New CityVille - As of this writing, cityVille player has reached over 7 million people. Again, this is an opportunity. Opportunities should be able to use it well. It is an unwritten law, the highest rating, the most money, it's easier to make friends. No need to search, you will find and visit. CityVille provide this facility. Citiville also you can use to promote yourself and your blog. It's easy, just give the name of every bussines center with your name or the name of your blog. Thus people will be getting to know you and your creations. There's even a CityVille player who made "crop circles" using his name. By using a bot cityVille 1:52, there are several new facilities than its predecessor, ...

- Database neighboors (new)
- Neighbor plugin
- Ultimate energy plugin
- Mass overview of your neighbor
- Unlimitted link and fever 1:08
- Remove coin That patch added by plugin developers CityVille (Zynga)
- Special Item plugin
- Energy Newest version
- Energy importers
- Back Energy database
- No need to Visit neighbours
DOWNLOAD CityVille bot cheat tips and tricks
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