Blogger Songs: Ucapan terima kasih untuk ternak
Blogger Songs - Blogger Indonesia kali ini kita ngobrol soal lagu lagu berjudul Free Me ciptaan Goldfinger menggugah budaya populer, dan dianggap layak. Dalam beberapa baris syair grup punk ska ini, mungkin ada yang susah dipahami, seperti kalimat: I just want enough space to turn around. Kalimat ini mengacu pada peternakan, tempat seekor ternak sejak lahir hingga dewasa hanya diberi ruang selebar satu meter, dan panjang sekitar dua meter setengah...
Berbahagialah, karena kita bernyawa namun bukan ternak...
Dalam praktek hewan ternak tersebut diikat, seminim mungkin bisa bergerak. So, mana mungkin ternak itu untuk turn around. Tujuannya, biar daging ternak itu empuk. Kalau banyak bergerak, otot hewan ternak tersebut akan kuat, dagingnya jadi alot. Plus menghemat lahan peternakan. Salahkah bila...I just want enough space to turn around.
"Free Me"--- Goldfinger
I didn't ask you to take me from here. I didn't ask to be broken. I didn't ask you to stroke my hair or treat me like a worthless token. But my skin is thick. And my mind is strong. I am built like my father was. I've done nothing wrong. So free me. I just wanna feel what life should be. I just want enough space to turn around and face the truth. So free me...
When are you gonna realize. You're just wrong. You can't even think for yourself. You can't even make up your minds. So my mind's a jail. I hate the whole goddamn human race. What the hell do you want from me. Kill me if you just don't know. Or free me. I just wanna feel what life should be. I just want enough space to turn around. Cause you're all fucked. Someday maybe you'll treat me like you...
Berbahagialah, karena kita bernyawa namun bukan ternak...
Dalam praktek hewan ternak tersebut diikat, seminim mungkin bisa bergerak. So, mana mungkin ternak itu untuk turn around. Tujuannya, biar daging ternak itu empuk. Kalau banyak bergerak, otot hewan ternak tersebut akan kuat, dagingnya jadi alot. Plus menghemat lahan peternakan. Salahkah bila...I just want enough space to turn around.
"Free Me"--- Goldfinger
I didn't ask you to take me from here. I didn't ask to be broken. I didn't ask you to stroke my hair or treat me like a worthless token. But my skin is thick. And my mind is strong. I am built like my father was. I've done nothing wrong. So free me. I just wanna feel what life should be. I just want enough space to turn around and face the truth. So free me...
When are you gonna realize. You're just wrong. You can't even think for yourself. You can't even make up your minds. So my mind's a jail. I hate the whole goddamn human race. What the hell do you want from me. Kill me if you just don't know. Or free me. I just wanna feel what life should be. I just want enough space to turn around. Cause you're all fucked. Someday maybe you'll treat me like you...
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Hi all. This is deepak from Bthemez. We're providing content for Bold site and we’ve been in internet, social media and affiliate for too long time and its my profession. We are web designer & developer living India! What can I say, we are the best..
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